I'd love it if vbulletin.com had a Newbie Forum - a place where those of us new to vBulletin can go to ask all the elementary questions that we are embarrassed to ask in the 'grown-up' forums. I think this would make a lot of people feel much more comfortable in the first months of owning vB. It would also be a great resource -- all those questions that arise in the first month or so answered in one place. You could get answers to your own stupid questions; have the benefit of answers given to other peoples' dumb questions; and just browse around to see what you haven't even realized you should be asking.
I think it would be greatly welcomed by persons who have just purchased the software. I think it could also potentially save vB. team members a lot of time because they wouldn't have to answer so many of the same questions over and over again. (Sure, we can search for the answers, but a search is likely to return scores, if not hundreds, of mostly irrelevant results. A newbie forum would make it all so much easier.)