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قديم 07-27-2012, 07:20 AM
عضو ماسي
بيانات محروم.كوم
 رقم العضوية : 503
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2007
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 2,100,640
عدد الـنقاط :3341
 تقييم المستوى : 2140

ACDSee Pro v5.3.168 Incl Keygen-BRD | Size 68 MB

ACDSee Pro is a professional tool that you can use to organize, view, edit and share images. The ACDSee Pro interface has a sophisticated appearance, and it is divided into five main areas - Manage, View, Develop, Edit, Online. In Manage you can effortlessly browse for images by using an Explorer-based layout or via the drag and drop method. You can filter (ratings, labels, categories, show hidden files and folders), group (by author, camera, date taken, label, rating etc), sort (file name, size, image type, modified date etc), view (filmstrip, thumbnails etc), and select images (by rating, label etc). In View you can add pictures to the image or burn basket, rotate them, use the magnifying glass, scroll, select or zoom tool, switch to fullscreen mode, set captions, access external or internal editing tools, view slideshows, attach audio, set file associations, and more. Developing tools consist of advanced settings such as white balance (temperature, tint, strength), lighting (shadows, midtones, highlights), advanced colors, split tone (highlights hue, highlights saturation, shadows hue, shadows saturation, balance), and tone curves. Furthermore, you can apply editing tools like red eye reduction, watermark, text, vignette, special effects (including the Lomo, collage and Orton effects), crop, perspective correction, exposure and lighting, advanced colors, sharpen, blur, noise, dodge and burn. Last but not least, you can create password-protected albums and folders (including RAW file) on the developer's website, and share them with your friends. ACDSee Pro is a breeze to work with, and you have a multitude of choices when it comes to editing tools. Evidently, it uses a high amount of system memory, but not overwhelming. The user documentation is well put together, and we have not come across any errors or glitches within the program. We strongly recommend you use it.

What's New in This Release:

Photo Developing:
Smarter Sharpening:
· A new user-controlled edge detection mask slider lets you focus the sharpening effect more to edges and textures than non-textured areas.
· Take your photos to the edge in either Develop or Edit mode using split-toning to create sepia or tinted black & white, Or add a tinted color to highlights and another to shadows to create a dramatic toning effect.

Photo Editing:
Dodge and Burn:
· Target shadows, midtones or highlights for lightening or darkening with the Dodge and Burn tool, or selectively add vibrance, saturate or desaturate areas of interest.

Drawing Tools:
· Put your photos to work for you using drawing tools to add lines and shapes such as squares, circles and arrows to draw attention to certain elements in your image. You can also adjust the width, feathering and blending of your brush to create subtle or dramatic drawing effects.
Special Effects:

· Apply and fine-tune a range of pre-set effects quickly and easily ...

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