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استراحات زايد الصفحة الرئيسية

         :: SoundPlan 9.0 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: Keysight 89600 VSA 2024 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: Simpleware v2018.12 x64 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: SimActive Correlator3D v10.1.6 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: SigmaNEST V8.1 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: SYNOPSYS RSoft 2023.03 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: ShipConstructor 2024R2 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: Schlumberger Eclipse 2024.1 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: Dolphin imaging 12.0 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: SMT Kingdom v2024 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)      

إضافة رد
LinkBack أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 04-10-2009, 08:40 PM
عضو ماسي
بيانات محروم.كوم
 رقم العضوية : 503
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2007
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 2,100,639
عدد الـنقاط :3341
 تقييم المستوى : 2140

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Alphabetic advice for you:


Avoid Bad Company.


Don't Entertain Fools.


Go for High Ideas.


Just Keep Lovely friends like me.

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

LIFE has no rewinds and forwards,

It unfolds itself at its own pace.

So never MISS a chance to LIVE today

to make a BEAUTIFUL

story for TOMORROW

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

My sweetest memory UR msg!

My biggest sadness-The distance!

My biggest hope I will see u soon!

My strongest prayer

our relation continues 4ever

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

U never have what U like,
U never like what U have,

Still U live ,love
and hope that sum day
U’ll get what U love,
Or love what U have.
That’s life!!

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Every normal person has 72 heart beats,
but for myself its 73.
the extra 1 is your smile.
So don’t stop your smile,
it will affect my heart.
Keep Smiling

₰§ CoYoTe §₰


"It is not necessary to share

everything between true friends.

But it is necessary

that what you share must be true."

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

I Will Love You Forever

I love you so deeply,

I love you so much,

I love the sound of your voice

And the way that we touch.

I love your warm smile

And your kind, thoughtful way,

The joy that you bring

To my life every day.

I love you today

As I have from the start,

And I'll love you forever

With all of my heart.

₰§ CoYoTe §₰


i promise you

a rose garden

dead centre in my heart

rainbow colors

as colorful as you

when the morning sun

cut diamonds from their dew

i will take you smile

and paint our love

over oceans wide

and mountains high

for the world to see

the truth

between you and me

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

press0 for help

press 5 for money

press 6969 for sharing happiness

press 5238 for sharing sadness

press all previous number to call me

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Talk 2 me
when I' am Bored,
Be with me when I' am Sad,
Hug me when i Cry,
Care for me when I' am Sick,
Don’t ever cry for me when I die!
Just treasure me when I 'am ALIVE.

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

IF you erase this message
it means you love me,
if you keep it you WANT me,
if you simply ignore it,

you really ADORE me!
what are you going to do?

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

FRIENDS are like stars…

you do not ALWAYS SEE

them but you know they are

always there

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

There are a million stars
and a million dreams,
you are
the only star for me,
the only dream I dream.

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Happiness is like a radio station,
broadcasting all the time.
you just have to learn
how to tune in & receive it properly.
Stay tuned and b happy always

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Anytime you are angry that breaks my heart

but my heart will never stop to love you

sorry for that

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Do you know,
what i say, what i think,
what i feel, what i think,
what i wish,
you want to know?


₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Good Time

Bad Time

Day Time

Work Time

Off Time

Night Time

Happy Time

Sad Time

Sleep Time

In the Mean Time

I Miss you All The Time

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

Good morning,

i mean

Good Evening


Good Night,


?I think

time is not important…

I just want to say …..


₰§ CoYoTe §₰

In The Flower My Rose Is You,

In The Diamond My Kohinoor Is You,

In The Sky My Moon Is You,

I’am Only Body My Heart Is You,

That’s Why I Always MISS YOU

₰§ CoYoTe §₰

the end
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