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LinkBack أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 10-02-2011, 10:00 PM
عضو ماسي
بيانات محروم.كوم
 رقم العضوية : 503
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2007
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 2,100,640
عدد الـنقاط :3341
 تقييم المستوى : 2140

02-10-11 07:42 PM

30 September 2011</br>
In response to the harsh sentences handed down on Thursday against 20 doctors in Bahrain after deeply flawed trials, PHR calls on the US Administration to withdraw immediately from any further congressional consideration of a proposed arms sale worth 53 million USD to the Kingdom of Bahrain until full accountability for human rights violators has been established and basic human rights protections have been achieved. </br>
In mid-September, the US Administration formally notified Congress of its intention to pursue a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) package with Bahrain, which includes Armored High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles, missiles and related equipment, parts, and military training. This notification triggers a 30-day window during which Congress may object to the proposal. Without action by Congress during this time period, the sale will automatically take place. </br>

Completing the sale of this military equipment at this time would severely undermine efforts to set aside the verdicts against the 20 doctors—individuals who, according to PHR sources, were tortured and abused in detention. </br>
“We are also concerned that the proposed sale includes weapons that could be used against civilian protestors,” said Chief Policy Officer Hans Hogrefe. </br>
PHR applauds the US State Department for expressing its strong concerns regarding the fairness of the trials of the Bahraini doctors and for its objection to trying the civilians in military courts. We now urge the State Department to follow through on its statement by delaying the proposed arms sale in consultation with the Department of Defense.
The Administration should not seek Congressional approval for this sale of military items until it is fully satisfied that the Bahraini government has
1. sought accountability for perpetrators of human rights violations, including acts of torture and abuse of detainees,
2. reinstated protections for medical facilities and personnel based on the principle of medical neutrality,
3. conducted judicial proceedings in accordance with international legal obligations,
4. released all political prisoners,
5. reinstated employees dismissed from their jobs for political reasons, and
6. made significant and meaningful steps toward inclusive dialogue and democratic reforms. </br>
Should the Administration proceed with its intention to deliver these military items to Bahrain and ignore its own documentation of egregious human rights violations in this Gulf country, PHR strongly urges Congress to object to the sale. </br></br>

US Should Halt Weapon Sales to Bahrain Until Verdicts Are Set Aside

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
Arms sales to repressive Bahrain misplaced - Washington Post محروم.كوم منتدى أخبار المواقع والمنتديات العربية والأجنبية 0 09-30-2011 05:10 AM
Human Rights First: Military Trial Verdicts Expose Bahrain’s Lack of I محروم.كوم منتدى أخبار المواقع والمنتديات العربية والأجنبية 0 09-30-2011 03:00 AM
Nseej | #MotherJones : #US Resumes Arms Sales to #Bahrain.#ForeignPoli محروم.كوم منتدى أخبار المواقع والمنتديات العربية والأجنبية 0 09-24-2011 07:40 PM
Africa : U.S.- Stop Proposed Arms Sales to Bahrain - Don't Give Kingdo محروم.كوم منتدى أخبار المواقع والمنتديات العربية والأجنبية 0 09-23-2011 03:10 PM
Nseej | HRW: #US: Stop Proposed Arms Sales to #Bahrain محروم.كوم منتدى أخبار المواقع والمنتديات العربية والأجنبية 0 09-23-2011 04:13 AM

الساعة الآن 09:43 PM

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