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استراحات زايد الصفحة الرئيسية

         :: StudioRIP XF v4.2.338 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: Esko2024.03 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: Structure Studios VIP3D Suite v2.511 x64 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: StrategyQuant X Pro Build 138 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: StudioRIP XF version 4.1.124 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: Stimpro 2023 v10.13.2.0 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: StarVision Pro 2023.0.2 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: Applied Flow Technology Arrow v2023 10.0.1115 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: StarVision 2023.0.2 Win64 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: بناء مستودع هنجر سندوتش بنل 0501543950 (آخر رد :ksa ads)      

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قديم 04-14-2010, 02:10 AM
عضو ماسي
بيانات محروم.كوم
 رقم العضوية : 503
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2007
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 2,100,639
عدد الـنقاط :3341
 تقييم المستوى : 2140

I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, but didn't find a better place.
There is an "issue" with phrases, or maybe actually a "bug" or a mistake, but no point in fixing, just don't repeat it. So I no point in making a bug report, since it can't be fixed (as I see it). It isn't a suggestion either since the way I want it to be is the way you usually do it.

Anyway, in 4.0.3 two phrases that are updated since 4.0.2 ae not marked as being updated in 4.0.3.
From the 4.0.2 language file:
of new Private Messages]]>

4.0.2 version:

4.0.3 version:
of new Private Messages]]>

It is essential for us that make translations that you don't change any phrases without marking them as updated in the last version. There ae usually a lot of phrases that are marked as updated but actully not changed, that is easier to handle since those are still found by the "Find updated phrases", but if an updated phrase is marked with a previous version number you can only find them if one directly compare the xml files.

Another issue with the phrases is that I believe that there is a quite big amount of phrases that are not used. It would make life easier and quicker to make a full translation if all phrases that are not used would be deleted from the master language.

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