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استراحات زايد الصفحة الرئيسية

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قديم 02-20-2010, 11:42 AM
الصورة الرمزية ήoOήY
عضو ماسي
بيانات ήoOήY
 رقم العضوية : 429
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2007
 العمر : 31
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 15,201
عدد الـنقاط :256
 تقييم المستوى : 33

?What are phrasal verbs

The term phrasal verb refers to a verb and preposition which together have a special meaning. .For example, call off means "cancel." .Phrasal verbs are also known as two-word verbs or three-word verbs


ask out
ask someone to go on a date: يطلب من شخص موعدا للخروج سويا
We've been asked out to dinner twice this week

bring about, bring on
cause يسبب
Land reform brought about a great change in the lives of the common people
This incident will surely bring on a crisis.

bring up
rear children (a يربي أولاد
Every mother has to bring up her children properly

mention or introduce a topic (b يفتح أو يبدأ موضوع (للحديث)
The students brought up the question of racial discrimination in class

bring off
to accomplish ينجز
The manager brought off a big business deal

call back
return a telephone call يعاود الاتصال
The actor was called back for a second audition

call in
to call upon for consultation; ask for help يطلب للاستشارة أو المساعدة
Two specialists were called in to assist in the operation

call off
to cancel (something) that had been planned for a certain date يلغي شيئا كان قد حدد له موعد
The performance was called off because of rain

call on
to visit يزرو
I like to call on friends

call up
to communicate or try to communicate with by telephone يتصل بأحد على التليفون
I will call him up to ask about his health

catch up with
reach the same level pr position يصل لنفس المستوى أو المركز
They tried to catch up with the leader in a race

check in, check into
to register, as at a hotel يسجل حضور أو يحجز في فندق مثلا
We checked in at the reception desk

check out
take a book from a library (a يأخذ كتاب من المكتبة (للاستعارة)
This book was checked out in your name

investigate (b يدقق أو يفحص
The policeman checked out the validity of the driving license

check out of
leave a hotel يغادر الفندق (يسجل خروج)
We checked out of the hotel this morning

cheer up
make (someone) feel happier يُفرح أو يسعد
This fine weather should cheer you up

clean up
to wash or tidy up ينظف و يرتب
The maid cleaned up the house after the party

come across
meet by chance يلتقي صدفة
I came across this picture when I was cleaning out the attic

cut out
stop an annoying activity يوقف أو ينهي شيء مزعج
Let's cut out the talking and get back to work

cut down
to lessen; decrease يخفف أو يقلل
The doctors have told me to cut down on between-meal snacks

cut in
to drive into a space between cars in a dangerous way likely to cause an accident يقود بين سيارتين بشكل خطير قد يسبب حادث
A speeding car cut in and nearly caused a crash

cut off
to stop suddenly; disconnect يتوقف فجأة أو يفصل

We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation

cut up
to cut into pieces or sections يقطع إلى قطع صغيرة
The butcher cut up the chicken into small cubes

do over
do again يعيد العمل
Tom was not satisfied with the work so he did it over and over until it was good

do without
dispense with يستغني عن
The store doesn't have any lemons, so you'll have to do without

drop by, drop in
To stop in for a short visit يقوم بزيارة خاطفة أو سريعة
Drop in and and see us when you're come to London

drop off
To decrease يقل أو ينقص
Sales dropped off in the fourth quarter

من مواضيعي
0 { .Phrasal Verbs ~
0 •» I Hate People •»
0 аpȱʟȱǥіεѕ
0 What Not to Say About Someone's Appearance
0 Always Have A Dream

سآسآ تسلمـين آلبي ع التوقيع الحلوو ,, الله لآ يحرمني منج ^^  

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-20-2010, 11:43 AM   رقم المشاركة : [ 2 ]
عضو ماسي

الصورة الرمزية ήoOήY

بيانات ήoOήY
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Dec 2007
رقــم العضويـــة : 429
الـــــدولـــــــــــة :
المشاركـــــــات : 15,201 [+]
عدد الـــنقــــــاط : 256
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
الحالـــة : ήoOήY غير متواجد حالياً


بيانات إضافية
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو



drop out of
to stop attending school for example or taking part يتوقف عن الحضور لى المدرسة مثلا (يترك المدرسة) أو يتوقف عن المشاركة
He dropped out of ordinary society because it was driving him mad

face up to
admit to; take responsibility for يعترف أو يتحمل مسؤولية
Sooner or later, you'll have to face up to the fact that you're failing it

fall through
not happen for something that was planned لم يحدث شيء كان مخططا له
We had originally intended to go to Mexico for our vacation, but our trip fell through when I got sick

figure out
to understand; solve يفهم أو يحل أو يعرف الحل عن طريق البرهان
We couldn't figure out where all the money had gone

fill up
to complete (a ********, list, etc.) by supplying missing or desired information يكمل وثيقة أو لائحة بتعبأة المعلومات الناقصة أو المطلوبة
ًWe had to fill up a form before we buy these machines

fill in
add information to a form يقوم بتعبأة معلومات
The office needs to know your home address and phone number. Could you fill them in on this form

fill in for
temporarily do someone else's work; temporarily substitute for another person يقوم بعمل لشخص آخر مؤقتا أو يأخذ مكان آخر مؤقتا
At school, we have to fill in for absent teachers

find out
discover information يكتشف أو يعرف معلومات
I didn't find out about the meeting until just a few minutes ago

get along with
have a friendly relationship with يقوم على علاقة جيدة بـ
Why can't you and your sister get along? Everyone else gets along with her just fine

get around
avoid having to do something يتجنب القيام بعمل ما
Teresa got around the required math classes by doing well on a math proficiency test

get away with
to accomplish without punishment يقوم بعمل خاطئ من دون التعرض لعقاب
Some people lie and cheat and always seem to get away with it

get back from
return from a place يرجع من مكان
We got back from Paris this morning

get in; get into
enter يدخل
She got in her car and drove away

get off
to leave (a train, plane, etc.); dismount from (a horse) ينزل من السيارة او القطار إلخ أو ينزل من على الحصان
When you get off the bus, cross the street and you will be there

get on
enter an airplane, a bus, a train, etc... يركب طائرة، باص، قطار،إلخ
He got on the train and waved for us to leave

get out of
escape having to do something يتهرب من القيام بعمل ما
Lisa said she had a terrible headache and got out of giving her speech today

get over
recover from an illness or painful experience يتغلب على مرض أو تجربة مؤلمة
She thought she would never get over feeling so stupid

get rid of
dispose of يتخلص من
That shirt is really ugly. Why don't you get rid of it

get through
to complete; finish ينجز أو ينهي
How he ever got through college is a mystery

get up
arise from bed, a chair بينهض من السرير أو بقوم عن الكرسي
You'll have to get up much earlier than usual tomorrow

give back
return an item to someone يعيد غرض لشخص ما
You haven't given back the books you borrowed from me

give up

stop trying يستسلم
He gave up trying to get an answer

go over
review or check carefully يراجع أو يفحص بدقة
Jack went over the paper checking for any spelling mistakes

go through
experience يعيش تجربة
Mary went through a lot of troubles

grow up
become an adult ينضج
behave as an adult, not a child يتصرف بعقلانية
Lee really irritates me sometimes. He's really silly and childish. I wish he would grow up


من مواضيعي
0 { .Phrasal Verbs ~
0 •» I Hate People •»
0 аpȱʟȱǥіεѕ
0 What Not to Say About Someone's Appearance
0 Always Have A Dream


سآسآ تسلمـين آلبي ع التوقيع الحلوو ,, الله لآ يحرمني منج ^^

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-20-2010, 11:44 AM   رقم المشاركة : [ 3 ]
عضو ماسي

الصورة الرمزية ήoOήY

بيانات ήoOήY
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Dec 2007
رقــم العضويـــة : 429
الـــــدولـــــــــــة :
المشاركـــــــات : 15,201 [+]
عدد الـــنقــــــاط : 256
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
الحالـــة : ήoOήY غير متواجد حالياً


بيانات إضافية
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو



make fun of
make jokes about يستهزئ أو يسخر
I agree that Bob looks ridiculous since he shaved his head, but don't make fun of him. You'll hurt his feelings

name after, name for
give a baby the name of someone else يطلق على طفل اسم لشخص لآخر
Jack was named after his uncle

pass away
die مات
I was very sorry to hear that your grandfather passed away

pass out
distribute يوزع
Everyone in the room needs one of these information sheets. Who will help me pass them out

pass out
faint; lose consciousness يغمى عليه أو يفقد الوعي
When Ella heard that she'd won a million dollars, she was so shocked that she passed out

pick out
choose; select يختار أو ينتقي
Billy's grandmother especially liked her birthday card because Billy had picked it out himself

pick up
lift; take up يرفع
Those books don't belong on the floor. Will you help me pick them up

point out
call attention to يلفت الانتباه إلى
She pointed out an error in our reasoning

pull over
drive a vehicle to the side of the road يقود إلى جانب الطريق
When the policeman indicated that I should pull over, I knew he was going to give me a ticket

put away
remove to a proper place ينقل إلى المكان المناسب
I just took these clothes out of the dryer. Will you help me put them away

put back
return to original place يعيد إلى مكانه الأساسي
Mom put back my books on the shelf after she finished cleaning

put off
postpone; delay يؤجل أو يؤخر
I keep asking for an appointment, but he keeps putting me off

put on
to wear يلبس
It's a little bit chilly outside. You'd better put a sweater on

put out
extinguish a cigarette يطفئ السيجارة
John had to put out the cigarette when he saw his father passing by his room

put up with
tolerate يتحمل
It's really important to come to work on time. The boss won't put up with tardiness

run into; across
meet by chance يلتقي صدفة
Yesterday at the supermarket, Jan ran into her former roommate. Before yesterday

run out of
finish a supply of something ينفذ من
On the way home from work, Art ran out of gas

set up
make arrangements for something يقوم بتدابير لشيء ما
You'll see Mr. Thomas tomorrow. I've set a meeting up for 9:30 AM

show up
arrive; appear يصل أو يظهر
The boss was very upset when you didn't show up for the meeting

stand for
represent يمثل
These letters seem to be an abbreviation. Do you know what they stand for

take after
resemble يشبه
Both my sister and I take after our father

take off

remove something you're wearing يخلع ملابسه
Please take your hat off when you go inside a building

take off
leave; depart يغادر أو يقلع
When does your plane take off

take up
begin a new activity or topic يبدأ نشاط أو هواية جديدة
I've never been skiing, but I think I'd like to take it up

tear down
destroy; demolish يدمر
The explosion tore down the whole building

tear up
to tear into small shreds يمزق إلى قطع صغيرة جدا
He tore up the drawings because she had criticized them

throw away
discard; put in the garbage يرمي في النفايات
You shouldn't throw those newspapers away; they're recyclable

throw up
vomit يتقيأ
Paul was so nervous about his job interview that he threw up just before he left for it

try on
wear something briefly to check its fit, how it looks يجرب ملابس
I'm not sure that jacket is large enough. May I try it on

turn down
decrease the volume خفض الصوت
Your music is giving me a headache! Please turn it down or use your headphones

turn down
refuse يرفض
I thought I could borrow some money from Joe, but when I asked, he turned me down

turn in
go to bed يذهب للنوم
I'm pretty tired. I guess I'll turn in

turn in
submit an assinment يسلم واجب
I've written my report, but I haven't turned it in

turn off
stop a machine يوقف آلة
I'm cold. Do you mind if I turn the air conditioner off

turn on
begin a machine يشغل آلة
It's cold in here. I'm going to turn the heater on

turn up
increase the volume يعلي الصوت
I can barely hear the TV. Can you turn it up a little

turn up
appear unexpectedly يظهر أو يأتي فجأة
We were all surprised when Pam turned up at the party. We didn't even know she was in town


من مواضيعي
0 { .Phrasal Verbs ~
0 •» I Hate People •»
0 аpȱʟȱǥіεѕ
0 What Not to Say About Someone's Appearance
0 Always Have A Dream


سآسآ تسلمـين آلبي ع التوقيع الحلوو ,, الله لآ يحرمني منج ^^

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