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استراحات زايد الصفحة الرئيسية

         :: Franc3D v8.4.0 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: KBC Infochem Multiflash 6.1625 x64 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: Fracpro 2023 v10.13.10.0 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: DataM COPRA RF 2021 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: Forsk Atoll v3.4.1 x64 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: كمبوند الكارما جيتس الشيخ زايد (آخر رد :نوران نور)       :: FlexScan3D v3.3.22.12 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: FabriWIN v11.01 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)       :: Rocscience RocFall2 8.0 8.025 (آخر رد :Drogram)       :: FARO SCENE v2024 (آخر رد :sekasi7436)      

هواتف , مسجات , وسائط , برامج , ثيمات , نغمات , بلوتوث وسائط mms صوتيه , وسائط فيديو, مسجات الأعضاء ,ثيمات , ألعاب للهاتف ,

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قديم 11-24-2014, 06:55 PM
عضو ماسي
بيانات انور فهيم
 رقم العضوية : 149328
 تاريخ التسجيل : Oct 2013
الجنس : male
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 4,602
عدد الـنقاط :100
 تقييم المستوى : 16

Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens v1.0.2

The Zombien menace has, mostly unintentionally, descended upon the Rooster Teeth studio. Its up to you and the RT cast members to survive their onslaught.

After an Unidentified Flying Object becomes an Identified Grounded Object (its a space ship) right in the heart of the Rooster Teeth studio, legions of zombie aliens (Zombiens) start coming out of the woodwork and get all hostile up in the studio. Its up to you, as one of six playable characters, to find and team up with the Rooster Teeth cast members to survive what will one day be known as the Rise of the Zombiens. For as long as possible, at least.

In this action/strategy game, you will have to survive in the studio amidst a variety of randomized circumstances: random supporting party members (chosen from eight Rooster Teeth cast members in the game, each with their own unique VO), random weapons, random zombien waves, random crafting materials, and more. You never know what youre going to get when you set foot in the studio, but youre going to have to make the best of what youre given.

To survive, youre going to have to get weapons from Weapon Dispensers, build traps, construct defenses, and stay on the move so the Zombiens dont corner you and devour your innards.

8 Different Rooster Teeth Cast Members, totaling over a thousand lines of unique VO.
25 Different Weapons.
10 Different Traps that you can construct to prolong your life.
Randomized level contents: weapons, materials, pickups, enemies, allies, and more. Youll never play the same game twice.
Daily Challenge lets you play the exact same level as everyone else for a chance at the top leaderboard position for the day.



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الساعة الآن 08:05 AM

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