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قديم 06-20-2014, 06:40 PM
عضو ماسي
بيانات محروم.كوم
 رقم العضوية : 503
 تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2007
الجنس : female
علم الدوله :
 المشاركات : 2,100,626
عدد الـنقاط :3341
 تقييم المستوى : 2139

DS 3DVIA Studio Pro V6R2013x HF4 (x86/x64) Multilingual

DS 3DVIA Studio Pro V6R2013x HF4 (x86/x64) Multilingual | 1.3 GB

Platform to create interactive 3D-applications 3DVIA Studio Pro allows you to effectively create and distribute exciting immersive 3D-interaction experiments (3DEXPERIENCES).
Opportunities 3DVIA Studio Pro

3DVIA Studio Pro - an integrated platform content development, based on more than 15 years of experience in the field of Dassault Systemes create immersive 3D-applications running in real time. This solution provides enterprises addressed to users with the tools and professional support necessary for the rapid development of interactive applications (eg, for virtual training), which can then be embedded within a secure environment.
Professional Publication
3DVIA Studio Pro provides a flexible way to create a ready-to-release content, including:
direct access to applications for rendering 3dvia.com
a customized implementation using 3DVIA Studio Pro Player
standalone executable files (. exe)
integration with virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR)
Immersion in virtual reality
Immersive virtual reality relies on tools and technologies that allow users to physically dive into the 3D-environment and natural way to interact with the virtual world, participating in live, ultra-realistic experience. Allowing systems to manage virtual and augmented reality, 3DVIA Studio Pro provides a single platform that covers all possible needs in the field of virtual reality.

Support at the professional level
Successful implementation of projects through specialized support and advice of the Technical Department 3DVIA Studio Pro.
Joint development environment content
More effective cooperation, building on the collaborative structure 3DVIA Studio Pro, allows you to work on different parts of the same project at the same time developers and designers, without interrupting the workflow.
Development, building on community
At your service - power Web 2.0, thanks 3dvia.com. This online resource is based on the community, offering a wide range of 3D-models, patterns and behaviors.
Advanced engines and rendering
More vivid and realistic interactive 3D-projects based on good physical, graphics, sound, animation, video, web, and other engines.
Graphic content
Import graphics resources of most of the systems development of digital content (Maya, 3ds Max) in 3DVIA Studio Pro using adapted "importers", performs the work for you.
Creating a script / bug fixes
Using Virtools Scripting Language (VSL), a powerful language, based on C + + and supplementing the schematic editor and 3DVIA Studio Pro SDK, for processing scripts at runtime / development and during debugging projects.
Library behavior
Reduces the time of programming thanks to the library 3DVIA Studio Pro, comprising 450 components - snippets to provide various functions of objects (rotation, etc.)
Take the first steps or become an expert on the 3DVIA Studio Pro thanks to the ever growing library, including a detailed online documentation, manuals, demos, downloads, design, etc.
Process control layout
3DVIA Studio Pro provides management optimization project at the stage layout, using CPU processing resources (asset processors), allowing, for example, to simplify the polygonal objects, textures resize, convert format models, etc.

Year / Issue Date: 2014
Version: V6R2013x (build 2.15.506)
Developer: Dassault Systemes
Developer website: www.3ds.com
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Language: Multilingual (Russian present)
Medicine: Present (Team-SolidSQUAD)
System requirements: Windows



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