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محروم.كوم 01-19-2014 07:20 PM

[إضافة plugins] عاجل نزول تحديث جديد لــ 2014 {WordPress SEO}
السلام عليكم ,, اعضاء وزوار معهد ترايدنت الكرام

اليوم بتاريخ 19 1 2014 نزلت نسخة جديدة للأضافة المشهوة والتي أعتبرها #1 الأولى
في تسريع الأرشفة للوردبريس خاصة انها تدعم اللغة العربية

WordPress SEO by Yoast

النسخة: 1.4.24

سجّل التغيير

رمز Code:


Removed screen_icon() calls.
Fixed a bug in robots meta tag on singular items.

Fix double robots header, WP native settings will be respected - props Jrf.
When post published data is newer than last modified date, use that in XML sitemap, props mindingdata.
Check if tab hash is correct after being redirected from Facebook API, props dannyvankooten.
Fix 404 in category rewrites when pagination_base was changed, props raugfer.
Make the metabox tabs jQuery only work for WPSEO tabs, props imageinabox.
Sitemap shortcode sql had hard-coded table name which could easily cause the shortcode display to fail. Fixed. - props Jrf.
Fix issue with user capability authorisation check as reported by scienceandpoetry in issue #492 - props Jrf.
Fixed canonical rel links was causing an error when given an invalid taxonomy, issue #306 - props Jrf.
Removed add_meta_box() function duplication - props Jrf.
Fix issue "Flesch Reading Ease should only be a positive number". This also fixes the message being unclear. Thanks eugenmihailescu for reporting - props Jrf.
Fixed issue with page analysis not taking feature image into account - props darrarski.

Shortcode now also available to ajax requests - props Jrf.
Added gitignores to prevent incorrect commits (Cross platform collab) - props cfoellmann.
Adding filters to individual sitemap url entries - props mboynes.

i18n *


Fix for serious sitemap issue which caused all pages of a split sitemap to be the same (show the first 1000 urls) - props Jrf.
Fixed a bug in the WPSEO tour in WP Network installs
clean_permalink 301 redirect issue when using https - props pirategaspard

Updated cs_CZ, fa_IR, fr_FR, hu, hu_HU, pl_PL, ru_RU & zh_CN


Reverted change to XML sitemaps stylesheet URL as that was giving issues on multisite installs.
Reverted change to XML sitemap loading as we were no longer exposing some variables that other plugins relied upon.
Fix bug with author sitemap showing for everyone.

No longer save empty meta post variables, issue #463. Clean up of DB is coming in future release, if you want to clean your DB now, see that issue for SQL queries.


Fix notice for ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE not being defined.
Fix missing function in install by adding a require.


Fixed bug where posts set to always index would not end up in XML sitemap.
Fix Invalid argument supplied for foreach() notice for WPML as reported by pbearne - props Jrf.
Yoast tracking cron job will now unschedule on disallowing of tracking, on deactivation and on uninstall, inspired by Bluebird Blvd. - props Jrf.
Fix issue #453: setting shop as homepage caused a notice and wrong title with WooCommerce.
Fixed a bug #449 where a canonical, when manually set for a category, tag or term, could get pagination added to it on paginated pages, when it shouldn't.
Fixed a bug where manually set canonicals would end up in rel="next" and rel="prev" tags.
Fixed a bug #450 where noindexed pages would appear in the HTML sitemap.
Fixed a bug where non-public taxonomies would appear in the HTML sitemap.
Fixed quotes not working in meta title and description for terms, issue #405.
Make sure author sitemap works when they should.
Fix some notices in author sitemap, issue #402.
Fix breadcrumbs being broken on empty post type archives, issue #443.
Fixed a possible caching issue when title_test option remained set, issue #419.
Make sure og:description is shown on homepage when it's left empty in settings, fixes #441.
Make sure there are no WPML leftovers in our title, issue #383.
Fix padding on fix it buttons with 3.8 design, issue #400.
Hide SEO columns in responsive admin ( in 3.8 admin design ), issue #445.

Switch back to MailChimp for newsletter subscribe.
Default to nofollowing links in RSS feed footers.

Updated es_ES, pt_BR & ru_RU
Added sk_SK


Added the option to upload a separate image for Facebook in the Social tab.
Added published time, last modified time, tags and categories to OpenGraph output, to work with Pinterests new article pin.
Added a filter for post length requirements in the Analysis tab.
If there is a term description, use it in the OpenGraph description for a term archive page.
Applied a number of settings form best practices - props Jrf.
File inclusion best practices applied - props Jrf.
Breadcrumbs for Custom Post Types now take the CPT->label instead of CPT->labels->menu_name as text parameter, as suggested by katart17 and Robbert V - props Jrf.

Move all rewrite flushing to shutdown, so it doesn't break other plugins who add their rewrites late.
Fixed the wrong naming of the L10n JS object, props Otto.
Improved form support for UTF-8 - props Jrf.
Corrected faulty multisite option registration - props Jrf.
Fixed appropriate use of plugins_url() to avoid breaking hooked in filters - props Jrf.
(Temporary) fix for metabox styling for users using the MP6 plugin - props Jrf.
Minor fix in localization loading - props Jrf.
Fixed Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete notice for WP 3.7+, thanks vickyindo, Wendyhihi and Theressa1 for reporting - props Jrf.

Updated ru_RU, tr_TK and Hr


Unhooking 'shutdown' (part of the NGG fix in 1.4.16) caused caching plugins to break, fixed while preserving NGG fix.
These changes were pushed in later but were deemed not important enough to force an update:
Updated newsletter subscription form to reflect new newsletter system.
Updated readme.txt to reflect support changes.
Moved old sections of changelog to external file.
Updated pt_PT


Missed a line in the commit of the option to stop stop words cleaning.


Fix for compatibility with NextGen Gallery.

Add option to enable slug stop word cleaning, find it under SEO -> Permalinks. It's on by default.
Remove tracking variables from the Yoast Tracking that weren't used.

Updated de_DE, fa_IR, fi, hu_HU, it_IT, pl_PL, sv_SE and tr_TK


Fix the white XML sitemap errors caused by non-working XSL.
Fixed the errors in content analysis reporting an H2 was not found when it was really there.
Fix slug stopwords removal, props amm350.
Fix PHP Notice logged when site has capabilities created without 3rd value in args array, props mbijon.
Fix the fact that meta description template for archive pages didn't work, props MarcQueralt.
Prevent wrong shortcodes (that echo instead of return) from causing erroneous output.
Fix edge cases issue for keyword in first paragraph test not working.
Revert change in 1.4.14 that did a do_shortcode while in the head to retrieve images from posts, as too many plugins crash then, instead added wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content filter there as well.


This release contains tons and tons of bugfixes, thanks in large part to Jrf, who now has commit rights to the code on Github directly. Please join me in thanking her for her efforts!

Our GitHub repository moved to https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo, old links should redirect but please check.

Switch to stock autocomplete file and fix clash with color picker, props Heinrich Luehrsen.
Prevent strip category base code from breaking Custom Post Type rewrites, props Steve Hulet.
Fixed issue with canonical links on last page of paginated posts - props maxbugfiy
Fixed bug in shortcode removal from meta description as reported by professor44 - props Jrf.
Fixed bug preventing saving of taxonomy meta data on first try - props Jrf.
Fixed small (potential) issue in wpseo_title_test() - props Jrf.
Fixed bug where RSS excerpt would be double wrapped in <p> tags as reported by mikeprince - props Jrf.
Fixed HTML validation error: Duplicate id Twitter on Social tab - props Jrf.
Fixed undefined index notice as reported by szepeviktor.
Fixed error in a database query as reported by Watch Teller - props Jrf.
Fixed small issue with how styles where enqueued/registered - props Jrf.
Fixed bug in alt text of score dots as reported by Rocket Pixels - props Jrf.
Applied best practices to all uses of preg_ functions fixing some bugs in the process - props Jrf.
Fixed bug in processing of %%ct_%% as reported by Joy - props Jrf.
Fixed: no more empty og: or twitter: tags. Also added additional escaping where needed - props Jrf.
Fixed: Meta description tag discovery looked in parent theme header file even when a child theme is the current theme - props Jrf.
Fixed: Using the 'Fix it' button would remove the meta description tag from the parent theme header file, even when a child theme is the current theme - props Jrf.
Fixed: Using the 'Fix it' button would fail if it had already been used once (i.e. if a wpseo backup file already existed) - props Jrf.
Fixed repeated unnecessary meta description tag checks on each visit to dashboard page - props Jrf.
Fixed: Meta description 'Fix it' feedback message was not shown - props Jrf.
Mini-fix for plugin_dir_url - props Jrf.
Fixed Author Highlighting to only show authors as possible choice for Google+ Plus author as reported by Sanoma - props Jrf.
Fixed adjacent_rel_links() for Genesis users - props benjamin74 for reporting.
Replace jQuery .live function with .on(), as .live() has been deprecated and deleted. Props Viktor Kostadinov & Taco Verdonschot.
Fix how breadcrumbs deal with taxonomy orders. Props Gaya Kessler.
Fixed some PHP warnings

Added wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content filter. This allows plugins to add content to the content that is analyzed by the page analysis functionality.
Added wpseo_genesis_force_adjacent_rel_home filter to allow forcing of rel=next / rel=prev links on the homepage pagination for Genesis users, they're off by default.
Make $wpseo_metabox a global, props Peter Chester.
No need to show Twitter image when OpenGraph is showing, props Gary Jones.
Make sure WPML works again, props dominykasgel.
Added checks for the meta description tag on theme switch, on theme update and on (re-)activation of the WP SEO plugin including a visual warning if the check would warrant it - props Jrf.
Added the ability to request re-checking a theme for the meta description tag. Useful when you've manually removed it (to get rid of the warning), inspired by tzeldin88 - props Jrf.
OpenGraph image tags will now also be added for images added to the post via shortcodes, as suggested by msebald - props Jrf.
Added 'wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link_with_sep' filter which allows users to filter a complete breadcrumb element including the separator - props Jrf.
Added 'wpseo_stopwords' filter which allows users to filter the stopwords list - props Jrf.
Added 'wpseo_terms' filter which allows users to filter the terms string - props Jrf.
Hide advanced tab for users for which it has been disabled, as suggested by jrgmartin - props Jrf.
Updated Facebook supported locales list for og:locale

Updated languages tr_TK, fi, ru_RU & da_DK
Added language hi_IN
Updated wordpress-seo.pot file


Fixed ampersand (&) in sitetitle in Title Templates loading as &
Fixed error when focus keyword contains a / - props Jrf.
Fixed issue with utf8 characters in meta description - props Jrf.
Fixed undefined property error - props Jrf.
Fixed undefined index error for the last page of the tour - props Jrf.
Fixed undefined index error for images without alt - props Jrf.
Fix output of author for Google+ when using a static front page - props petervanderdoes.
Keyword density calculation not working when special character in focus keyword - props siriuzwhite.
Reverse output buffer cleaning for XML sitemaps, as that collides with WP Super Cache, thanks to Rarst for finding this.
Fix canonical and rel=prev / rel=next links for paginated home pages using index.php links.
Fixed og:title not following title settings.
Improved breadcrumbs and titles for 404 pages - props Jrf.
Moved XSL stylesheet from a static file in wp-content folder to a dynamic one, allowing it to work for sites that prevented the wp-content dir from being opened directly, f.i. through Sucuri's hardening.
Added a link in the XSL pointing back to the sitemap index on individual sitemaps.
When remove replytocom is checked in the permalink settings, these are now also redirected out.
Added filters to OpenGraph output functions that didn't have them yet.


Submit button displays again on Titles & Metas page.
SEO Title now calculates length correctly.
Force rewrite titles should no longer reset wrongly on update.


Updated de_DE, ru_RU, zh_CN.
Make rel="publisher" markup appear on every page.
Prevent empty property='article:publisher' markup from being output .
Fixed twitter:description tag should only appears if OpenGraph is inactive.
og:description will default to get_the_excerpt when meta description is blank (similar to how twitter:description works).
Fixes only 25 tags (and other taxonomy) are being indexed in taxonomy sitemaps.
Fix lastmod dates for taxonomies in XML sitemap index file.
Changed Social Admin section to have a tab-layout.
Moved Google+ section from Homepage tab of Titles & Metas to Social tab.
Make twitter:domain use WordPress site name instead of domainname.
Added more output filters in the Twitter class.


Caching was disabled in certain cases, this update fixes that.
Added option to disable author sitemap.
If author pages are disabled, author sitemaps are now automatically disabled.


Updated .pot file
Updated ar, da_DK, de_DE, el_GR, es_ES, fa_IR, fr_FR, he_IL, id_ID, nl_NL, ro_RO, sv_SE & tr_TK
Added hr & sl_SI
Many localization fixes
Fixed sitemap "loc" element to have encoded entities.
Honor the language setting if other plugins set the language.
sitemap.xml will now redirect to sitemap_index.xml if it doesn't exist statically.
Added filters 'wpseo_sitemap_exclude_post_type' and 'wpseo_sitemap_exclude_taxonomy' to allow themes/plugins to exclude entries in the XML sitemap.
Added RTL support, some CSS fixes.
Focus word gets counted in meta description when defined by a template.
Fixed some bugs with the focus keyword in the first paragraph test.
Fixed display bug in SEO Title column when defined by a template ('Page # of #').
Fixed a few strict notices that would pop up in WP 3.6.
Prevent other plugins from overriding the WP SEO menu position.
Enabled the advanced tab for site-admins on a multi-site install.
Fixed post save error when page analysis is disabled.
OpenGraph frontpage og:description and og:image tags now properly added to the frontpage.
Added an HTML sitemap shortcode [wpseo_sitemap].
Added an XML sitemap listing the author profile URLs.
Added detection of Yoast's robots meta plugin and All In One SEO plugins, plugin now gives a notice to import settings and disable those plugins.
Prevent empty image tags in Twitter Cards - props Mike Bijon.
Add new twitter:domain tag - props Mike Bijon.
Add support for Facebooks new OG tags for media publishers.
Allow authorship to be removed per post type.


Properly fix security bug that should've been fixed in 1.4.5.
Move from using several $options arrays in the frontend to 1 class wide option.
Instead of firing all plugin options as function within head function, attach them to wpseo_head action, allowing easier filtering and changing.
Where possible, use larger images for Facebook Opengraph.
Add several filters and actions around social settings.


Fix a possible fatal error in tracking.


Bug fixes:
Fix security issue which allowed any user to reset settings.
Allow saving of SEO metadata for attachments.
Set the max-width of the snippet preview to 520px to look more like Google search results, while still allowing it to work on lower resolutions.
Remove the shortlink http header when the hide shortlink checkbox is checked.
Added a check on focus keyword in the page analysis functionality, checking whether a focus keyword has already been used before.
Update how the tracking class calculates users to improve speed.


Fix changelog for 1.4.3
Fix activation bug.
Updated es_ES, id_ID, he_IL.


Register core SEO menu at a lower than default prio so other plugins can tie in more easily.
Remove alt= from page analysis score divs.
Make site tracking use the site hash consistently between plugins.
Improve popup pointer removal.


Made the sitemaps class load in backend too so it always generates rewrites correctly.
Changed > to /> in class-twitter.php for validation as XHTML.
Small fix in metabox CSS for small screens (thx Ryan Hellyer).
Load classes on plugins_loaded instead of immediately on load to allow WPML to filter options.
Updated bs_BA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_DE, fa_IR, fr_FR, he_IL, hu_HU, id_ID, it_IT, nl_NL, pl_PL, pt_BR, ru_RU and tr_TR


Updated .pot file
Updated bg_BG, bs_BA, cs_CZ, fa_IR, hu_HU, pl_PL & ru_RU
Focus keyword check now works again in all cases.
Fix typo in Video SEO banner.
Don't show banners for plugins you already have.


i18n & documentation:
Updated Hebrew (he_IL)
Updated Italian (it_IT)
Updated Dutch (nl_NL)
Updated Swedish (sv_SE)
Updated some strings to fix typos.
Removed affiliate links from readme.txt.
Fixed a bug in saving post meta details for revisions.
Prevent an error when there are no posts for post type.
Fix the privacy warning to point to the right place.
Slight performance improvement in functionality by not resetting query when its not needed (kudos to @Rarst).
Slight performance improvement in options call by adding some caching (kudos to @Rarst as well).
Changed inner workings of search engine ping, adding YOAST_SEO_PING_IMMEDIATELY constant to allow immediate ping on publish.
Changed design of meta box, moving much of the help text out in favor of clicking on a help icon.
Removed Linkdex branding from page analysis functionality.

Bug with revisions in XML sitemap for some weird combinations.
Improved logic for rel=publisher on frontpage.
Allow variables in meta description for post type archive.
Improved counting of images for page analysis.
updated Turkish (tr_TR)
updated Russian (ru_RU)
updated Indonesian (id_ID)
updated French (fr_FR)
updated Czech (cs_CZ)
added Japanese (ja)

Regex annoyances anyone? Sigh. Bug fixed.

Added missing filter for meta box priority.
Fixed bug in JS encoding.

Bug in page analysis regex.


Fix bug in custom field value retrieval for new drafts.
Fix bug in meta box value for checkboxes (only used currently in News extension).
Remove redirect added in 1.3.3 as it seems to cause loops on some servers, will investigate later.
Add option to filter wpseo_admin_pages so more pages can use WP SEO admin stylesheets.
Prevent notice for images without alt tags.
Use mb_string when possible.


Properly $wpdb->prepare all queries that need preparing.
Fix wrong escaping in admin pointers.
Make %%currentdate%% and %%currenttime%% variables respect WP date format settings.
Add %%currentday%% format.
Force remove Jetpack OpenGraph.
Fix the weird addition of noindex, nofollow on URLs with ?replytocom that was added in 3.5.
Force XML sitemap to be displayed on the proper domain URL, so XSLT works.


Updated wordpress-seo.pot
Updated Turkish (tr_TR) filename.
Updated Spanish (es_ES) translation.
Fixed bug where non-admin users couldn't save their profile updates.
Fixed bug with the same OpenGraph image appearing multiple times.
Fixed bug that would prevent import and export of plugin settings.
Try to do a redirect back after saving settings.
Properly allow for attachment pages in XML sitemaps, default them to off.
Fixed annoying bug where checkboxes wouldn't display as "checked" even when the value was set to true.
Show post type name and taxonomy name (as opposed to label) next to labels in XML sitemap settings to more easily identify post types and taxonomies.
Switch tracking to a daily cronjob instead of an admin process to prevent tracking from slowing down admin interface.
Focus keyword detection now properly works for diacritical focus keywords as well.
Properly apply filters to meta desc and titles in admin grid.
Properly detect new versions of Facebook plugin too.
Allow changing of the number of posts per XML sitemap, to prevent memory issues on certain installs.

Some of that escaping was too aggressive.


Fix somewhat too aggressive escaping of content.
Added notice text for non-existing .htaccess file / robots.txt file.


Long list of small fixes and improvements to code best practices after Sucuri review. Fixes 3 small security issues.
Updated .pot file
Updated Danish (da_DK), Indonesian (id_ID), Chinese (zh_CN), Russian (ru_RU), Norwegian (nb_NO), Turkish (tr_TK), Hebrew (he_IL) and Persian (fa_IR).
Added Arabic (ar), Catalan (ca) and Romanian (ro_RO).

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الصور المصغرة المرفقة http://www.traidnt.net/vb/attachment...43622t-seo.jpg
الملفات المرفقة http://www.traidnt.net/vb/images/attach/zip.gif wordpress-seo.1.4.24.zip (1.14 ميقابايت)

الساعة الآن 04:21 AM

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